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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - dispute v.


Связанные словари

Dispute v.

dispute v.
1) argue with or against, question, debate, challenge, impugn, gainsay, deny, oppose, fight (against) , object to, take exception to, disagree with, contest, confute, quarrel with, doubt, raise doubts about, dissent (from) : The council dispute his right to build a hotel on that land. 2) argue (about) , debate, discuss, quarrel about, wrangle over, differ (on or about) : A bill of rights has occasionally been disputed in Parliament. --n. 3) argument, debate, disagreement, difference (of opinion) , controversy, polemic, conflict, quarrel, wrangle, velitation; discussion; Colloq Brit argy-bargy or argie-bargie or argle-bargle: There is a dispute about the runner's eligibility for the race. 4) conflict, disturbance, fight, altercation, row, disagreement, brawl, Donnybrook, feud, rumpus, fracas; strife, discord; tiff, velitation, US spat: Four people have been injured in the dispute.
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